
Access for All Membership Scheme

Our Access for All scheme has been designed for people with physical/sensory or cognitive disabilities, and is a practical display of the Millennium Forum’s belief that there should be equal access to our theatre for everyone. Its purpose is to help us to provide you with the best possible service – each time you book we will store details of your booking requirements for the future, helping us to find appropriate seating for you quickly and easily.

It is free to join and we will keep you up to date on offers and information about forthcoming shows. You can update us at any time of any changes to your access requirements by contacting our Box Office, who will update your membership records. Your membership will be valid for one year, after which we will contact you to renew and update us of any changes.

To join the scheme, please complete the following Access for All Membership Form in full and return to the address below.

Lisa Heaney
Box Office Manager
Millennium Forum Theatre & Conference Centre
Newmarket Street
BT48 6EB

Access for All Membership Form large print – Download Here