
Through Our Eyes

Through Our Eyes’ was developed in partnership with Richmond Centre, the Millennium Forum,  Arts & Business NI and Stage Beyond.

‘Through Our Eyes’ is a film directed by Ronan Carr and stars the talented Stage Beyond Theatre group (young adult theatre group with learning difficulties).  The short film takes you on an accessible journey through the Richmond Centre and the Millennium Forum, highlighting barriers and access issues for people with disabilities as they shop and visit the Millennium Forum.  It is a thought provoking film produced with a fun and entertaining narrative.

Objectives and Results

Accessibility is high on the agenda of the Millennium Forum and its sponsors Richmond Centre, We both recognise that over 700,000 people in the UK suffer from autism and that’s only those who are diagnosed, a large customer base of both companies living with this disability.

This film was designed as a marketing tool for Richmond Centre to showcase how it is working to make its shopping centre and experience for customers more autism friendly. Through our eyes built upon other initiatives including quiet shopping evenings, a new quiet room and relaxed Santa experiences provided around their Christmas Grotto.   By re imagining their public spaces through the eyes of users with additional needs, both companies and their stakeholders, and staff where able to learn how to create a customer’s journey which was more accessible.

The video went on to be used as a best practice example with other organisations, including DCSDC, who showcased it at Disability Awareness days throughout the region.
